Charitable Requests

Thank you for contacting Belknap Liquor and Lounge to be part of your event/activity.

Belknap Liquor and Lounge is proud to be a contributor to many community events and activities. As a small business owner, we believe it is important to support members of our community. We receive hundreds of requests on a monthly basis.

While all of your requests are important to us, we do have limited resources each year. Therefore, we have identified a process to ensure our contributions impact the largest number of community members.

Our charitable contributions are focused on:

• Supporting the health, education and well being of our Superior/Douglas County community.
• Nonprofit organizations conducting fundraising activities to support members of our Superior/Douglas County community

All requests need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1:

Write a request on your organization´s letterhead, being specific about how you would like Belknap Liquor and Lounge to participate. Include the date(s) of the event, the purpose and a copy of your 501(c)3 status. Include your name, address, and daytime phone number (also give a contact person if other than yourself). Email requests to: or drop off the completed request form at 130 Belknap Street, Superior, WI.

Step 2:

In most cases you will receive a response within two weeks.

Please note, although important, we are unable to contribute to:

• Individuals (We give to and support many organizations that help individuals.)
• Third parties (For instance, fundraisers that benefit a charitable organization. We only give directly to the charitable organization.)
• Professional Seminars/Employee Recognition Activities
• Taxpayer–Supported Agencies